Thursday, January 13, 2011

Week Two

          I have to comment on the videos we watched in class this past Tuesday. Much of what I'm about to say is probably going to sound very "anti-technology," but I promise I do realize the value and worth of technology as well. I too e-mail people all the time with questions and such, but I'm now starting to think maybe it would be easier to just pick up the phone. I love to talk to people, but most seem to prefer texting or e-mailing so I find myself doing that more and more, simply to cater to others' preferences.... I think I'm getting off topic.
          The video: It absolutely horrified me when the students on the video were saying they were spending most of their day either watching TV, texting friends, listening to their iPods, or surfing the web. What about human interaction? I understand that they're still communicating with others via text messages or e-mail, but it is not the same. What's going to happen to this generation when they head out into the workplace? They're going to have no face-to-face communication skills. I hate walking into a store and not even being acknowledged. Not that I want someone hovering, but I can't believe it when I walk up to ask an employee for help, but first have to wait until they finish talking with their coworker about their plans for the evening. At least they're socializing I guess, but as far as respectful social skills go, it's pretty pathetic!
          The parents on these videos seemed completely unconcerned with the fact that their children were spending the majority of their time on their computers. What about going outside or getting together with friends? I'm sure some of this may depend on where they live. I nannied for twins that live in New York City. They're 12, and their parents have only just started allowing them to leave the building by themselves. From that standpoint, I guess you may spend more time "online" if you're always stuck inside. However there are still other indoor activities that don't involve staring at a screen. I think it would be interesting to see how time spent socializing on technology compares throughout different cities and towns. Does location make a difference, or is it mostly just a generational trend?

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I echo your concerns about the generation to come, especially since I am now trying to raise one of the little buggers. Getting to what you said early on, about how you would rather pick up the phone than email, that is exactly how I feel. I hate the culture of instant response. I like the access the internet affords me, and the fact that I have information at my fingertips 24/7, but I don't like technology dictating my life.
    We invented the telephone to speed up communication. Then people waited by the phone. We invented the answering machine so you wouldn't wait by the phone, then we got annoyed people didn't return our calls fast enough. We invented the cell phone so we can reach anyone everywhere. Then we were annoyed anyone could reach us anytime, so we invent caller id.
    Then email comes along, and we can send notes anytime to anywhere instantly. And then people expect an instant response! I have been scolded by teachers, faculty advisors, workmates, and even my parents for only checking my email once every day or two days... as if that isn't prompt enough response. Maybe I should just pack it all in and go back to snail mail...
